my bookshelf

These technical and soft skills books I have found invaluable in my professional and personal life.

soft skills

Never Split the Difference is full of actionable advice one can apply immediately to their professional and personal relationships. Not much fluff.

Thanks for the Feedback defines 3 types of feedback: coaching, appreciation, evaluation. This book describes how to effectively give and receive each type.

The 48 Laws of Power will help you notice when others are trying to manipulate you. One reviewer called it “Psychopath’s bible.”

How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen is full of practical advice how to get someone to actually listen to what you are saying and open their mind to your ideas. Don’t be fooled by the book title – it is very much applicable to adults as well.

technical books

Code Complete is a must have book for any software engineer. It should be required reading in college.

Writing Solid Code is full of practical solutions for writing bug free code.

Design Patterns is there a software engineer that does not own this book? Knowing how to recognize and implement these patterns will is what differentiates junior from senior engineers.

Universal Principles of Design helps you better understand the world around you. Uses examples in nature, industry, and human preferences. The design principles described are applicable in physical and digital product design.

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